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Classification with ChatGPT Prompts

Simplification Through Classification

I added this short video to our site today, but it bears repeating: one of the best use cases for ChatGPT is the ability to quickly categorize information and then leverage those categories to upgrade your work.

Using ChatGPT prompts for classification

Let me explain.

In this video, I walk you through a simple made-up example of adjectives used in product reviews online, like "awesome," "nice," "meh," and "trouble."

I first ask ChatGPT to put these words into alphabetical order, which it does correctly the first time with no issue. The applicability of an alphabetization prompt is obvious - everything from quickly sorting names or cities name it.

The next part is where things really take a turn into the freaking awesome, to borrow my own verbiage from my own fake review of my own fake product. I think ask ChatGPT to rank my provided keywords from 5 (being the best) to 1 (being the worst) and to keep the keywords in alphabetical order but display them in a text-based table with their numerical ranking in the column beside them. It again does this flawlessly.

Screenshot from

ChatGPT even tells me after producing this amazing table: "Note: I assigned the ranks based on my interpretation of the words' meanings and connotations. The rankings may differ depending on the context and purpose."

They're pretty spot-on, though. I'm not sure I would disagree that much with many of them.

Okay, so my next task.

I provide the prompt: "I received the above words as reviews on my social media pages. Please group the words together from high to low rankings. Then provide a suggested response I should give for each type of review."

The model gives me exactly what I am looking for:

Sure! Here are the groups of reviews and suggested responses:

High Rankings (4-5)

  • Awesome

  • Cool

  • Excellent

  • Fabulous

  • Sublime

  • Super

  • Tremendous

Suggested Response: Thank you so much for your kind words! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our [product/service] and we appreciate you taking the time to leave a positive review. We hope to see you again soon!

Neutral Rankings (3)

  • Neutral

  • Okay

Suggested Response: Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We appreciate your feedback and we'll use it to improve our [product/service]. If there's anything else we can do to make your experience better, please let us know.

Low Rankings (1-2)

  • Crazy

  • Meh

  • Trash

  • Trouble

Suggested Response: We're sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy your experience with our [product/service]. We take all feedback seriously and we'd like to learn more about how we can improve. Please contact us directly so we can address any issues and make things right. Thank you.


Taking a little bit of time to think strategically about how you want to use AI to enhance your work and make you capable of taking on more diverse tasks, the more you will be able to accomplish and the greater edge you will have in this new landscape.

Have fun exploring categorizing with ChatGPT!

--Written by the human writers @ Prompt Freely


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